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Can Huskies See In The Dark? (+ Color Vision FAQs)

This is something many husky owners wonder about. Huskies have really amazing eyes, so people often think they must see really well. But is that true? Can huskies see when it’s dark?

Huskies cannot see in complete darkness and dog “night vision” isn’t actually a thing. Having said that, huskies can still see much better than humans in low-light situations. But not as good as cats!

How Well Do Huskies See in Low Light

Your husky will be able to see in low-light situations far better than yourself, about 5 times better in fact. There are a few reasons why.

The main reason for their good low-light vision is that they have a high number of light-sensitive rods within the retina. Without light, there is no vision. But by having more light-sensitive rods in the retina, it takes less light for your husky to be able to see clearly.

On top of that, the pupils in a husky’s eyes are larger than ours. Bigger pupils let in more light to begin with. With more light and more light-sensitive rods, huskies can see almost five times better than we can in dim light.

But make no mistake, if you leave your husky in a very dark room, it’s likely that he can see just about as much as you can!

When you see your husky at night, it’s possible you’ll see him with glowing eyes (if he’s awake) This is yet another factor that leads us to believe huskies can see in the dark (or that you’ve got an alien dog) but this isn’t the case and leads me on to the next section!

Why Your Husky’s Eyes Glow in the Dark (and photos)

Usually, dogs have a tapetum lucidum, but huskies do not. This is why huskies eyes reflect a red color as opposed to a green color.

What’s even more interesting is that the color of the glow can change depending on breed, age, and the levels of zinc and riboflavin within the pigment cells found in the tapetum lucidum.

So technically, as your husky gets older, the color his eyes will glow in the dark may gradually change. That’s quite cool!

Can Blue-Eyed Huskies See in The Dark?

There’s a lot of misconception when it comes to huskies and their blue eyes, parti-colored eyes, or bi-colored eyes. Heterochromia is the official term for having those stunning icy blue eyes that huskies often have.

But because the majority of breeds do not have heterochromia, when we see it, we think it’s not “normal” and us humans have a tendency to attribute things that aren’t normal to us to either be far superior or inferior.

So for huskies with blue, parti-colored, or bi-colored eyes, many questions arise like are they more color blind? will they suffer from more eye problems, can they see as well in low light or the darkness?

In fact, huskies that have heterochromia are really no different and in terms of vision in low light, the dark, and when it comes to seeing in color, they’re just the same as a brown-eyed husky.

Huskies with heterochromia are also no more likely to suffer from any kind of eye issues.

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Are Huskies Color Blind?

Another popular question is whether or not huskies are color blind. Many people have this question about dogs in general, and even more so when it comes to huskies.

What colors can huskies not see?

Huskies are not color blind, but they can only see a limited range of colors compared to us. A husky, just like any dog will perceive everything in varied tones of yellow, blue, violet, and gray.

It’s specifically reds and greens, which dogs are unable to see.

So the next time you’re playing with two toys, one is red and one is green, both will in fact look yellow to your husky.

Your husky can obviously still differentiate size and shape, but the colors will be the same, just with different shades.

So the next time you take your husky to the park with a luscious field of green grass it’s in fact all yellow to him!

Here are some fascinating real-life examples of what a husky’s vision is like.

Source: AKC
Source: AKC

Can Huskies See Further Than Us? Cool Facts

Your husky, just like all dogs can’t see very far, at least when comparing their vision to ours.

We humans can see quite far if we have no visual impairments. Otherwise known as 20/20 vision. Our canine companions on the other hand have 20/75 vision.

What this essentially means is that something we can see clearly at 75ft can only be seen clearly by your husky at 20ft.

As you can see, excuse the pun, that’s quite a significant difference. So it helps to keep this in mind when taking your husky out on off-leash walks. If he wanders too far, he won’t be able to see you much past 20ft.


So can huskies see in the dark? yes, they can, but not in the pitch black. A husky can see up to five times better than we can in low-light situations but in complete darkness, human nor canine will be able to see anything.

I hope this has answered your original question sufficiently enough. If you have any further questions about huskies and their eyesight, drop a comment below.

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