We all know that huskies and cold weather go hand in hand, but does that mean they can’t get cold?… Or can they? This is both a fascinating and important topic for all husky owners to know about. And this article has all the answers.
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Can Huskies Get Cold?
It’s possible that in extremely cold temperatures and poor conditions a husky will get cold. However, as long as a husky remains dry, they can tolerate temperatures as low as -50C.
This assumes the husky is a healthy adult with no existing problems.
Senior huskies and puppy huskies are not as resilient and will feel the cold much quicker than their adult counterpart.
But yet, huskies can get cold. Especially if they get wet.
Once your husky is wet, their ability to stay warm is significantly impacted and they will not be as resilient.
This is backed up by PetMD’s Jennifer Coates, DVM who explains,
“Dogs with thick, double-layered coats tend to be the most cold-tolerant (think Siberian Huskies, Newfoundlands, and Samoyeds). Many of these breeds originated in northern climates and have attributes that allow them to thrive when temperatures drop.”
Do Huskies Need To Be In The Cold?
Huskies (in good health) are capable of being in temperatures as low as Minus 50 Degrees Celcius but they do not strictly need to be in the cold.
Huskies have thick double coats that actually help them sufficiently regulate body temperature even when in hot climates. Huskies may prefer slightly cooler days, but they do not need cooler days.

How Cold Can Huskies Tolerate?
Huskies can withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius (-58F).
It’s likely that wherever you are, your husky will be fine with the temperature. However, the main precautions you will need to take is when leaving your husky outside, as mentioned above.
If you plan on leaving your husky outside for any prolonged period of time you will need to ensure they have a well built, insulated dog house they can use in cold weather. This also applies if they are required to sleep outside.
This ultimately depends on where you live. I currently live in the Philippines with a local beach husky, that sleeps outside on the beach very happily throughout the night. The temperature here at night time is around +20 Degrees Celcius
Something else to consider is the life of your husky, if you have a husky that spends several hours every day inside your home, he shouldn’t be made to then go outside to sleep. If you have a family pet, treat them this way. If you have an outside working dog/pack, treat them this way.
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What Temperatures Do Huskies Prefer
Huskies originate from the Chukchi Tribe in the Chukchi region of Eastern Siberia. They were used for thousands of years in arctic conditions pulling heavy loads of sled across long distances.
The average annual temperature in Eastern Siberia is -5 Degrees Celcius. In the colder months of January, it goes as low as -25 Degrees Celcius, and in summer it averages around +10-15 Degrees Celcius. These are the temperatures that huskies would have been used to
From this, we can safely assume that huskies can handle a range of temperatures.
If your husky is working hard, then the extra body heat will allow them to remain comfortable in lower temperatures even below zero. However, if your husky is less active and laying around more, a higher temperature will be preferred.
All huskies will prefer something different and you’ll be able to gauge how comfortable they are by their body language.
If you live in Southern California, it’s obvious your husky will prefer to be out of the midday heat, in an air-conditioned room where they can feel cooler.
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Can Huskies Live Outside In Cold Weather?
Perhaps you have a pack of huskies that are used as working dogs or racing dogs, then it’s likely they will live outside in their pack, in outside dog houses.
There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s also safe to say if you are doing this, you likely live far north in a cold climate.
Huskies living outside in cold weather is possible as long as extra precautions are taken to protect your happy husky.
An outside husky will definitely require a solidly built outside dog house that is insulated with a protected door and padded out with warm thick blankets.
It is absolutely essential to ensure there are no water leaks inside, which will quickly take away your husky’s ability to stay warm.
If you provide the necessary help, then it’s absolutely fine to have your husky living outside.
It’s now more common to find Siberian Huskies being family pets, in this case, it would be advised to keep them living inside your home, especially if you live in a hot/warm country.
Siberian Huskies have been domesticated for a long, long time and there’s nothing more they will like than snuggling up beside you to sleep.

How To Know When Your Husky Is Too Cold
If your husky does become too cold, you will likely be able to see this fairly easily.
Signs your husky is getting too cold:
- Holding a paw up off the ground
- Shivering or shaking excessively
- Refusing to continue on the walk
- Gradually becoming slower and limited with their movements
- Looking anxious or uncomfortable
- Displaying a hunched back with a tucked tail
- Whining or crying
If you notice any of those signs, then your husky is feeling the cold and you should seek a warmer place as soon as you can.
You should never push the limits when it comes to being cold. Hypothermia and frostbite are serious conditions and can still happen to huskies, despite their extreme resilience.
Related: Caring For Your Husky’s PAWS: Full Guide

Can Huskies Live In Hot Countries
Siberian Huskies are a popular breed all over the world, not just in the typical cold northern countries.
It’s a common question asked by so many people all the time that live in warm, even tropical climates: “can I get a husky despite living in a hot country?”
You can have a husky even if you live in a hot country, BUT there are definitely extra measures you need to take in order to make it comfortable for them.
There are 8 way you can ensure your Siberian Husky remains comfortable if you live in a hot country:
- Avoid the midday sun
- Do not shave their coat
- Avoid them walking on hot surfaces (paws are sensitive to temperature)
- Exercise them early morning and evening times only
- Use cooling mats and wet towels
- Keep them hydrated
- Make sure they have space to lay and stretch out
- Get a dog paddling pool!
Do huskies need aircon? This is a very commonly asked question and will depend on your husky and where you live. If you live in California with extremely hot summers, and your husky is not always used to the scorching heat, then yes, it’s likely they will prefer to rest in an air-conditioned room.
➡️ I have a much more detailed article about caring for a husky in hot weather, you may like to check out.

Signs Of Dehydrations In Huskies
If you live in a hot country with a husky (or any dog) it’s important to learn the signs of overheating and dehydration.
➡️ If your husky is dehydrated, you can expect to see these signs:
- Dry nose
- Dry Gums
- Eyes will be droopy
- Skin will have poor elasticity (you can test this by pinching some skin behind the neck and watch to see how long it takes to go back to normal. Dehydration will cause the skin to stay where you pinched it without springing back quickly.)
➡️ If your husky is overheating, you can expect to see these signs:
- Noisy breathing
- Heavy panting
- Dizzyness
- Collapsing
- Lack of strength
- Discolored gums
If any signs of overheating are present, help your husky find a cool place with space and adequate amounts of drinking water. Call your local vet as soon as possible for further advice.
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My two favorite brushes for a beautiful coat are a simple Undercoat Rake and a Slicker Brush. These brushes when used together will de-shed and maintain your husky’s coat better than anything else.
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Brain Training For Dogs has become increasingly popular with Siberian Huskies in the last few years. It’s now recognized as perhaps the best way to train a husky in the most stress-free, positive way.
Best Husky Puppy Book ⭐
If you would like to support My Happy Husky directly and have an easy to read and entertaining guide for training your husky puppy, check out my book The Husky Puppy Handbook on Amazon. All purchases are greatly appreciated.

The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit HereCopyright Notice: The content produced and published on My Happy Husky is unique and original. My Happy Husky makes an active effort to search for plagiarized content using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarized content is found, action will be taken.