Is your husky puppy going through a phase of non-stop crying?
This is common among puppies and can be a bit confusing to handle. This article provides valuable answers and actionable ways to resolve the situation with your crying husky puppy.
Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it might seem!
Table of Contents
A Word on Crying Husky Puppies
Although this article is for huskies, it’s a common issue for nearly all puppies, regardless of breed.
Husky puppies often get extra whiny when they’re around four to six months old. But remember, it can start earlier or later too.
It’s normal to expect a little crying and whining from husky puppies, just like we do with babies, after all, it’s their only way of communicating.
But there are times when it may become excessive, unnecessary and perhaps even just a bad habit. It can be easy to start getting annoyed with your puppy, but you have to remember that for all behavior problems, there is a solution, and you can resolve it.
Thankfully, teaching and training your husky puppy to stop crying isn’t that complicated. It just requires your conscious attention and some consistency, for a short while. Easy peasy 😉 Let’s get into it.
Possible Reasons Your Husky Puppy Keeps Crying
Before rushing into the remedy for your crying pup, it’s important to think about possible reasons for this behavior.
One thing you need to be sure of is that there are no health problems responsible for their crying. Although constant crying can soon get annoying, you should never dismiss your puppy, they may be vocal for a legitimate reason. It’s best to visit your local veterinarian to be sure your puppy is in good health.
First, it’s a good idea to create a mental or physical checklist that you can run through. This will help you problem solve a lot of crying.
Run Through a Mental Check List
When your puppy starts crying, a good way to know if it’s legitimate behavior is to think about what has just happened and run through a mental check-list.
Questions to ask yourself: In the last 30 minutes – 1 hour:
1) Have you been with them?
2) Have they had their last meal?
3) Do they have fresh cold water?
4) Have they recently been out to use the potty?
5) Have you recently played with them or given them attention?
6) Ensure there aren’t any external factors (scary sounds, new people)
If you can be sure of all of those things, it’s likely your puppy isn’t crying for any legitimate reason.
If you run through the list, you may suddenly realize, “oh! I haven’t let them out for a pee yet…” they may be trying to tell you to let them outside.
Before moving on to the remedy, I want to cover three of the most common reasons for crying and give a little explanation about each of them.
1) Attention seeking
Basic attention-seeking is likely to be the No.1 reason for excessive crying and will be the case for most you!
If your puppy starts crying, take a second to think about the time of day and run through the mental checklist. Ask yourself, have they been fed? do they have water? have the been outside? have you played with them?… If you’re confident you’ve done all of these things, there’s no good reason for your puppy to start crying shortly after.
There don’t appear to be any obvious reasons other than the fact you aren’t with them.
Therefore, this is simply down to attention-seeking behavior.
Unfortunately, your puppy needs to learn to be ok on their own (for short periods at least) and can’t rely on you being there 24/7. Ignoring them may tug on your heartstrings but you must understand this is an important lesson. More on this later.
2) You’ve just put them in their crate
Crate training is another beast that you have to tackle sooner rather than later. Fortunately, crate training doesn’t need to be as difficult or troublesome as you may think. (and I can show you how)
As crate training is a completely new topic alone, I’ll leave that for an entire dedicated post that you’ll want to check out here. This goes through making your puppy feel comfortable in their crate and will definitely help you with this situation.
Sometimes they do cry for legitimate reasons, but if you’re following a proper crate training routine, you’ll know that it’s more of the “boy who called wolf” situation happening and you don’t want to be contributing to bad habits. Check out some of my other crate training articles via the search bar 🙂
3) Leaving them alone for too long
Attention-seeking aside. You may actually be leaving your husky puppy alone for too long. Getting a puppy is like having a baby, they do require constant attention and your time.
A brand new puppy will surely cry if you leave them in another room alone for hours on end. This shouldn’t be the daily routine for your puppy and if this is the case their crying is legitimate.
Of course, there are times when you’ll need to run errands, leave the house, or do something that involves leaving them alone. This is fine and unavoidable, but it shouldn’t be all day, every day.
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How to Stop Your Husky Puppy From Crying Excessively

This is a simple method that will slowly teach your husky puppy that crying isn’t something to be done for no reason or attention.
This method involves no reprimanding and only positive reinforcement in the correct moments. Reprimanding only builds fearfulness and creates a lack of trust between your puppy and you, which ultimately makes ALL other training, harder. So I don’t teach that!
1) Become aware of WHEN you reward your puppy.
A reward can be anything from showing affection, playing with them or giving them a treat.
It’s super important to become aware of when you’re rewarding your puppy. You may not realize but a common mistake many puppy owners make is to find a quick solution to their puppy’s crying by distracting them, dangling their toy in from of them or giving them a treat…
Try to become aware of this, and stop doing it. This is reinforcing to your puppy that crying gets rewarded with something they like.
2) Know what their FAVORITE reward is.
Do they prefer playing, a new toy, or a tasty treat? Once you know this, you can now use it as your secret weapon, in the correct moments…
Puppy’s and dogs learn incredibly well when they are positively rewarded for certain behavior or after certain events.
Giving them their favorite reward can be a powerful training technique, so discover what your husky puppy likes the most and read on to the next steps.
3) Only reward them when they’re CALM.
The element of surprise is always a strong move. When your puppy is lying there, calm and peaceful, now’s the time to go over, make a fuss and reward them with their favorite treat.
This should be an ongoing, daily thing you now do. (try not to give your puppy too many treats though, it may mess up their nutrition!)
Whenever you can, REWARD your puppy’s CALM behavior. Your puppy will slowly but surely start making strong associations between them being calm and receiving attention and rewards from you…
Your puppy is on to something now! something good… for you 😉
4) Ignore their illegitimate crying.
Perhaps the most difficult part is learning to ignore them crying. Upon hearing cries, run through your mental check-list and once you’re sure they don’t actually need something, sit back and wait.
It can be a difficult moment and will definitely pull on your heartstrings, or it may make you want to rip your hair out. Whichever one, it’s crucial you don’t respond to their whining.
The moment you show them a reaction from crying it’s now 1-0 to your puppy. Every time you give in, it’s teaching them that their crying will work to gain your attention.
5) Wait until they stop, then see them.
We’re not saying to ignore them forever! Once they stop for at least 1 minute, the longer the better. Pay them a visit, make sure everything is ok and reward them for their silence.
To ensure they understand you’re rewarding them for their silence, you MUST wait until they have been quiet for at least 1 minute, but the longer you wait, the better.
The constant crying needs to have a significant break or pause before they see you. This way they won’t link it with receiving your attention.
Why this training method works:
It’s simple but very effective and follows exactly how puppies and dogs learn the best, through association and repetition.
Consistently rewarding your puppy when they are calm and quiet, will, without doubt, teach them that this behavior is what you like and want.
Consistently ignoring their excessive crying will soon teach them that this is not what they should do to get your attention. They instead need to be quiet.
With your consistency, it’s a method that will not fail.
The only time this will not work, is when their cries are for a legitimate reason. That’s why its crucial to always have a checklist to run through before you leave them alone.

When Your Husky Puppy Cries at Night
Nighttime crying is another separate topic, just like crate crying, but I will touch on the basics in this article too.
The first thing to know is that you’re not alone! Nighttime crying happens so often, almost with every puppy so don’t worry, there are ways to combat this.
Nighttime crying can be explained in almost 3 reasons:
- Your puppy is not yet crate trained or comfortable inside their crate
- Your puppy needs to use the potty
- Your puppy is seeking your attention
Crate issues:
Most of us will have our puppies inside a crate during the night, so that’s the first thing to think about, is your puppy truly crate trained yet? do they feel comfortable inside their crate? If this is the case, you may want to check out this article, that’s all about ensuring your puppy is comfortable in their crate.
Potty issues:
Your puppy may cry during the night for a legitimate reason, they need to pee or poop! If this is the case, consider yourself lucky that your puppy is even attempting to let you know, that’s a great sign which indicates your potty training efforts are working. The best way to combat this in the first place is to have a solid bedtime potty routine. I have an entire article on how long puppies can hold their bladders, this will help you out a lot.
Attention seeking issues:
Just like this article has covered, if you’re sure that your puppy’s basic need have been met, then it’s likely their cries are for attention. In this case, it’s best to revert back to the training method above. Ignore them until they are quiet for a GOOD amount of time. If they appear to be asleep again, don’t interrupt them. Never respond directly to their cries as it will reinforce bad habits.
Here’s a helpful video from Zak George, all about when dogs keep crying and whining, I set the clip to start from when he gives his advice, you can view the video below 🙂
So there you have it, you now have a better understanding of why your puppy may be crying all the time, AND how to stop it.
Remember that nothing works overnight, and you may have to actively follow through with this training on a daily basis for 1 or 2 weeks. But rest assured, if you’re consistent, you’ll be rewarded with a quiet puppy.
If you have experience or are having trouble with this, please comment below and I will try help where I can.
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The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit HereCopyright Notice: The content produced and published on My Happy Husky is unique and original. My Happy Husky makes an active effort to search for plagiarized content using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarized content is found, action will be taken.