If you have a cute Pomsky puppy, you’re probably curious about when they’ll stop growing and what their final size will be.
Huskies can get pretty big while Pomeranians are much smaller. This leaves a lot of people scratching their heads about how big their Pomsky will actually get.
Don’t worry, this article has everything you need to know. We’ll cover a Pomsky’s size, weight, and when they’ll stop growing.
In this article:
➡️ When do Pomskies stop growing
➡️ How big do Pomskies get
➡️ Pomsky size & weight calculator
➡️ Can a Pomsky be as big as a Husky
➡️ Pomsky generations & sizes
➡️ Pomsky puppy growth chart
When do Pomskies stop growing?
Pomskies stop growing fully between 12-16 months, depending on their genetics. I’ll explain more about genetics below, as this is central to the outcome.
Pomsky weight: – 12-16 months
Pomsky height: – 10-12 months
➡️ Pomskies with husky mothers tend to be larger than Pomskies with pomeranian mothers. Naturally, the larger the Pomsky, the longer it will take them to stop growing and gaining muscle.
This is also the case for males over females. Male dogs nearly always take longer to stop adding weight, and this is down to slowly adding muscle mass beyond the females.
We can also look at the parent breeds to get some clues. Pomeranians usually stop growing at about 10-12 months. Huskies, on the other hand, can keep growing muscle until they’re 2 years old. Pomskies often fall somewhere between these two timelines.
How big do Pomskies get?
Pomskies reach a final weight of anywhere between 20-35 Pounds and 10-15 Inches in height.
Pomsky weight: – 20-35 Pounds
Pomsky height: – 10-15 Inches
The drastic difference is because both parents are very different in size, so with the Pomsky, it can go either way.
Pomskies are nearly always bigger than their pomeranian parent but usually not as big as their husky parent (although it’s possible). In most cases, they’re in the middle and are considered small/medium size dogs.
➡️ Pomsky Guides: Can Pomskies Be Left Alone?
Pomsky weight calculator
Use our calculator to predict your Pomskys weight at 1 year of age. This is a rough estimation and includes a “low” and “high” range which is going to be more realistic.
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Can a Pomsky be as big as a Husky?
Yes, surprisingly enough, it is possible, and it has happened! While it is very rare, there are numerous cases of Pomskies growing to be the same size as their husky parent. Just imagine… pocket-sized cuteness, enlarged!
➡️ F1B Pomskies and F2B Pomskies have a higher chance of being as big as a husky. Explained below.
Naturally, this does not happen very often due to the pomeranian parent being considerably smaller and therefore having a big influence on the size of the offspring.
As explained above, usually if the mother of the Pomsky is a Husky, then there is more chance of the offspring being a larger size.
⭐ Check Out The Full Husky Pomeranian Mix Guide Here

Pomsky generations & how it will affect their size
What generation of Pomsky you have will impact size too. Depending on how far down the breeding line you are, you can get F1, F2, F1B, F2B, and it keeps on going. For the sake of keeping this simple, I’ll only explain up to F2Bs.
F1 Pomsky
An F1 Pomsky is when it’s a straight 50/50 split between a purebred Pomeranian and a purebred Husky. That gives you an F1 Pomsky.
F2 Pomsky
An F2 Pomsky happens when you breed two F1 Pomskies together. This is a second-generation Pomsky.
F1B Pomsky
An F1B Pomsky is created when you breed an F1 Pomsky back to a purebred pomeranian or husky. This is known as a first-generation backcross.
➡️ In many cases, the purebred that is chosen is a husky. Therefore, the F1B Pomsky would have 75% husky DNA and just 25% pomeranian DNA, which increases the chances of a large Pomsky!
F2B Pomsky
An F2B Pomsky is created when you breed an F1 Pomsky with an F1B Pomsky. This is a second-generation backcross.
➡️ Again, if the F1B Pomsky that’s used here, has 75% husky DNA, and is then bred with a standard F1 Pomsky, you’re increasing the husky’s DNA even more. F2B husky dominant Pomskies can be up to 88% Husky. Meaning there’s a strong chance they grow to be large like a husky.
Pomsky puppy growth chart
The following chart is a rough estimate of the average Pomsky growth timeline. Please understand these ranges are averages, so not all Pomskies will fit inside. And that’s perfectly fine.
Age of Pomsky | Average weight in Pounds |
2-4 months | 6-12 lbs |
4-6 months | 12-18 lbs |
6-8 months | 18-23 lbs |
8-10 months | 23-28 lbs |
10-12 months | 25-29 lbs |
12-14 months | 30-34 lbs |
14-16 months | 35+ lbs |
Three other factors affecting growth
There are a handful of other factors that are often less talked about but can have a significant impact on growth collectively. Let’s run through those below.
Diet & nutrition 🥕🍗
Your Pomsky pup should be on a high quality premium puppy-made food. Although many kibbles are labeled as “all life stages” it’s crucial to avoid this. Owners must use a kibble/food made only for pups. This will ensure there are enough calories, protein, fat, and other essential vitamins and minerals like phosphorus and calcium to support their rapid growth. All life stages just doesn’t cut it!
It’s also important to ensure the food is very high in protein, medium fat, and low carbs. This is the ideal macronutrient breakdown. Aim for foods that prioritize fresh whole ingredients close to their natural state, and avoid all the foods containing preservatives, colors, flavors, additives and by-product.
Giving your puppy the best nutrition possible will allow their bodies to grow to their maximum potential. Skimping on nutrition could potentially stunt growth.
Rest & recovery 💤
Puppies do most of their growing while they nap and sleep, and boy do puppies do a lot of that!
Due to how important their rest is, it’s important we allow them to rest and sleep as much as they want. This is fairly straightforward advice for us adults, but kids have a harder time understanding this one!
Puppies and fun, and kids always want to play with them. It’s understandable. But prioritizing their rest and recovery will allow their bodies to do all the growing it needs to.
Correct exercise levels ⚽
It’s critical to ensure your Pomsky’s exercise needs are taken care of correctly.
This means providing enough exercise to stimulate muscle growth and keep them healthy, but not so much they injure themselves or damage growing joints, ligaments, and muscles.
Puppies should follow the 5-minute method, which gradually build up to an adult level at about 1 year old. I explain more about this here in my Pomsky exercise guide.
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