Ever wondered why huskies always seem to have a mad expression on their faces?
Is it a real “mad” look, or is it just how we perceive them? It’s intriguing and is something I get asked a lot…
This article takes a look at whether this statement is true, and if so, what could be behind it.
Table of Contents
Do Huskies Actually Look Mad or Angry?
Firstly, opinions will drastically change depending on whether you ask someone that actually owns a husky, or someone who spotted one at the dog park…
I know many owners who would never consider their husky to look angry and through seeing countless huskies in real life myself, I would also say that the vast majority didn’t look “angry” to me. But that’s just my opinion.
Public perception
For people that don’t own a husky, it appears that most think they look angry or to be more accurate “scary”…
You would be surprised that the general public considers huskies to be scary dogs, and therefore would naturally be quicker to associate the way they look with a negative expression, like “angry or mad”.
Huskies And Their Markings
Huskies can have a wide range of markings both on their coat and especially their face
Certain types of facial markings or as we call “masks” can make huskies look more intimidating, angry, or scary…
In fact, this can be displayed very easily in the image below.
⭐ On the left:
This is a pretty standard facial marking pattern for huskies and admittedly doesn’t give the appearance of looking “mad” or “scary”.
⭐ On the right:
This is also a common facial pattern, yet it looks like he’s ready to kill every single cat in the entire world… But when you look closer, he’s not actually frowning, it’s the shape of his markings that give the impression of an inwards turned eyebrow. That’s all it is…

From these two images alone, you can now see why a lot of people think either their own husky or a husky they saw in the park, looks “mad”.
And this is just one example, there are many other variations of markings that give huskies an intimidating look.
Related topic: Do Huskies Lose Their Facial Mask?
Huskies Have Attitude And Many Facial Expressions
Huskies have an extensive portfolio of facial expressions to suit any situation.
They are a sensitive breed that are very reactive to the situation around them, especially when it involves their owners.
Huskies can give off huge wide smiles, but they can also look pretty darn stern and serious.
The majority of huskies also have quite a big attitude and they aren’t afraid to let their owners know just how they feel. It’s more than possible that in a moment of stubbornness, discontent or even frustration show it with their face and eyes.
If you’ve found this article and you actually own a husky, then this is the likely answer for you aside from angry-looking facial markings.
Huskies Have Piercing Eyes
To add to the intensity of their stare, many huskies have piercing icy blue eyes.
The bright blue iris contrasting completely to the black pupil can admittedly look quite “scary” for some people, as it’s not a usual color that we are accustomed to seeing in animals. White eyes give off an eery feel for a lot of people.
This reasoning for why huskies look “angry” will be almost entirely for people who don’t actually own a husky. Because for those that do, their icy blue eyes make them only more gorgeous and rarely contribute to any negative opinions on their appearance.
To test this theory, I asked my parents and close friends (who don’t own huskies) what they thought about white husky eyes, and 6 out of 10 actually said “kind of scary” I kid you not.
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People Associate Huskies With Wolves
It’s true that most people associate huskies with wolves, which only adds to the “scary” remark we often hear from the general public.
Though huskies are no more closely related to wolves than a sausage dog, admittedly, they do LOOK a lot more like wolves than a sausage dog, and I can’t remember the last time a wolf looked friendly…
If in the back of our minds we think huskies look like wolves, and “wolves are always scary and angry”, then it encourages us to think the same about huskies too.
Are Huskies Actually Mad or Angry?
Huskies, despite what many people think of them, are actually one of the friendliest breeds there is.
Most huskies are of course not mad or angry in any way at all. Unless you tell them to come back inside when it’s snowing outside…
It’s literally in their blood to be very caring, loving, and close to their owners (and even strangers).
In fact, huskies are so friendly, they actually make terrible guard dogs and are more likely to befriend an intruder than stop one… If that doesn’t get the message across then I don’t know what will!
Does Your Husky Look Scary or Angry?
Let me know if you have found this article as someone who does or doesn’t have a husky, and let me know what you think…
Even better, if you own a husky and he or she “looks angry” then please send me a message, forward some photos and explain why you think it’s the case!
Thanks for reading!
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These brushes when combined together will remove dead fur and maintain your husky’s coat better than doing anything else! These brushes are a simple Undercoat Rake and a Slicker Brush.
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Best Husky Puppy Book ⭐
If you would like to support My Happy Husky directly and have an easy to read and entertaining guide for training your husky puppy, check out my book The Husky Puppy Handbook on Amazon. All purchases are greatly appreciated.

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