If you’ve noticed your Shiba Inu to be less fluffy than others, you’ll no doubt be wondering why, and if somethings wrong.
This article explains everything you need to know about your Shiba’s not-so-fluffy coat, and what you can do about it, if you can!

Are All Shiba Inus Supposed to be Fluffy?
Yes and no. The standard Shiba Inu breed is known for its plush, dense coat that gives it a teddy-bear-like appearance.
However, not all Shiba Inus are fluffy. Yep, this surprises most!
In fact, there are two main coat types in the breed: the ‘Urajiro,’ which is the standard, fluffy type and the ‘Sesame,’ which has a shorter, sleeker coat.
The Urajiro type is characterized by a thick double coat, with a softer and plush undercoat and a stiffer, straight outer coat.
The Sesame type, on the other hand, has a shorter double coat with less distinct undercoat, giving it a smoother appearance.
So, if your Shiba has a less fluffy coat, it could simply be a Sesame type Shiba Inu. DNA Test Kits

Why Your Shiba Inu Isn’t Fluffy: 5 Key Reasons
Let’s run through the key reasons why your Shiba might not be as fluffy as you expected. I’ll explain a little bit more about how to identify which cause applies to your Shiba afterwards.
1) Bloodline and Genes ⬇️
A Shiba’s fluffiness is highly dependent on its genetic background. If your Shiba’s parents or ancestors had less fluffy coats, chances are your pet will too.
This genetic trait is predetermined and can significantly influence the thickness, texture, and overall appearance of your Shiba’s coat.
And as we explained above, there are two different coat variations with Shibas: Urajiro (fluffy) and Sesame (sleeker and less fluffy). So this is important to keep in mind.
2) Diet ⬇️
The health and appearance of a Shiba’s coat are greatly influenced by diet. If your Shiba is not getting a balanced diet rich in the right nutrients, especially Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, its coat can become dry, dull, and less fluffy.
The quality of your Shiba Inu’s diet directly correlates with the quality of its coat.
If you’re feeding your Shiba a diet lacking in essential nutrients, you’re likely to notice a significant change in the coat’s quality, potentially leading to less fluffiness.
3) Grooming ⬇️
Proper grooming plays a significant role in maintaining the fluffiness of a Shiba’s coat. Without regular brushing, the undercoat can become matted, reducing the overall fluffiness.
Plus, regular grooming helps distribute natural oils throughout the coat, promoting a healthy, shiny, and fuller appearance.
Frequent brushing stimulates the skin to produce essential oils and remove dead hair, improving the coat’s overall fluffiness.
Additionally, overbathing can have a huge impact on your Shiba’s coat. Too much shampoo will strip away those natural oils and dry out their coat, making it dull and less fluffy.
4) Age ⬇️
Senior Shibas (over 8 years), regardless of whether they are Urajiro or Sesame, will boast a slightly duller, less fluffy coat than their younge counterparts.
This is just something that comes with age. It’s known that a dog’s coat changes as they age, in both texture and even color.
The younger the Shiba, the more chance they have of a fluffier coat.
5) Health ⬇️
Certain health issues can impact the quality of a Shiba’s coat.
Parasites, allergies, hormonal imbalances, and skin diseases can all cause hair loss, dullness, and a reduction in fluffiness.
Health issues often manifest themselves through changes in a pet’s coat, so a less fluffy coat could indicate an underlying health problem.
If your Shiba Inu’s coat suddenly becomes less fluffy, it’s worth consulting a vet to rule out any potential health concerns.
So how do you know which applies to your Shiba?
Well, if your Shiba has always had a sleeker, less fluffier coat, then it’s likely down to genetics, and isn’t a temporary issue.
If your Shiba once had a super fluffy coat but now doesn’t, then you can start considering their grooming, diet, and health. If this is the case, owners should think about the recent events leading up to the dull coat… have you changed their diet? have you bathed them more than usual or with a different shampoo? asking questions like this can shed light on a potential cause.
Can You Make Your Shiba’s Coat Fluffier?
While you can’t change your Shiba’s genetic makeup, there are several things you can do to enhance its coat’s natural fluffiness.
➡️ Balanced diet
Ensure your Shiba is eating a well-balanced, high-quality diet rich in essential nutrients. Include foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish and flaxseeds, to boost skin and coat health.
I can’t stress enough the quality of the food your Shiba is consuming. Opting for premium brands might hurt the wallet, but they’ll make the world of difference when it comes to your Shiba’s health.
Opt for a high protein diet, and if the kibble doesn’t include omega 3, consider adding this as a supplement.
➡️ Regular grooming
Regularly brushing your Shiba not only helps remove dead hair from the undercoat but also stimulates the skin to produce more natural oils, leading to a shinier, fluffier coat.
For a Shiba, the best two brushes would be an undercoat rake and a slicker brush. The undercoat rake focuses on dead hair removal, and the slicker brush just finishes off the topcoat beautifully.
These two brushes combined will leave your Shibas coat soft, fluffy, and free from dead hair.
➡️ Avoid overbathing and use the right shampoo
When it comes to bathing, the less the better. Bathing shouldn’t be done more than once every 3 months for Shibas. And when you do eventually bathe your Shiba, it’s best to use a natural ingredient dog shampoo.
These shampoos avoid harsh chemicals and do not strip the coat from it’s natural oils. These natural oils are essential for all-round coat and skin health.
➡️ Keep your Shiba hydrated
Just like in humans, a dog’s hydration level plays a crucial role in the health of its skin and coat. Unfortunately the average dog doesn’t drink as much as they should, so it’s upto us to encourage them.
Place more water bowls around the house, and throw in a few pieces of kibble or even meat broth from time to time.
This will keep your Shiba drinking sufficiently and therefore keep her hydrated.
➡️ Health checks
Regular vet check-ups can catch any potential health issues that might be affecting your Shiba’s coat. If you notice significant changes in your Shiba’s coat or overall health, it’s best to consult a vet immediately.
Last Thoughts
Your Shiba Inu’s fluffiness primarily depends on genetics, but diet, grooming, and overall health also play vital roles.
While a less fluffy Shiba is no less lovable, following the tips in this article can help you maximize your pup’s natural coat fluffiness.
Remember, a healthy Shiba is a happy Shiba, fluffy or not!
The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit HereCopyright Notice: The content produced and published on My Happy Husky is unique and original. My Happy Husky makes an active effort to search for plagiarized content using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarized content is found, action will be taken.