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Are Shiba Inus Good With Other Dogs: (Best Answer)

One question I receive A LOT from both existing and future Shiba Inus owners is about how well they get along with other dogs.

Shibas are kind of known to be a bit aloof towards unknown dogs, so I want to answer this and clear everything up once and for all.

This comes from my own knowledge of being around Shibas for 10+ years, as well as speaking to countless owners on this very subject.

In This Article:
🐶 How Do Shiba Inus Generally Behave Around Other Dogs?
🐶 Shiba Inus & Other Dogs
🐶 Can Shiba Inus Learn to Get Along Well With Other Dogs?
🐶 Are Shiba Inus Better Only With Other Shiba Inus?
🐶 Are There Special Considerations for Introducing a Shiba Inu to Other Dogs?
🐶 What Role Does Training Play in a Shiba Inu’s Dog-to-Dog Friendliness?
🐶 Navigating the Social World of Shiba Inus and Other Dogs

How Do Shiba Inus Generally Behave Around Other Dogs?

Shiba Inus, known for their bold and independent nature, have a unique approach to interacting with other dogs.

Typically, they exhibit a confident, sometimes aloof demeanor around other canines. This breed’s social behavior is often marked by a sense of independence, which can sometimes be mistaken for unfriendliness.

While they may not seek out social interactions like more gregarious breeds, Shiba Inus can coexist and even enjoy the company of other dogs when properly socialized.

We really liked this video and it explains this topic well. Take a look.

Shiba Inus & Other Dogs

Their interactions with other dogs largely depend on early socialization experiences and the individual dog’s personality.

Some Shiba Inus might be more outgoing, while others prefer to maintain their space. They tend to be more reserved and cautious in new social situations, assessing other dogs before deciding how to interact.

This careful approach shouldn’t be seen as unfriendliness but rather as a thoughtful evaluation.

Can Shiba Inus Learn to Get Along Well With Other Dogs?

Yes, Shiba Inus can get along well with other dogs, especially if they have been properly socialized from a young age.

Socialization involves exposing them to various types of dogs in different settings, teaching them how to interact and communicate effectively.

A well-socialized Shiba Inu can enjoy playtime, walks, and other activities with canine companions.

However, due to their natural temperament, Shiba Inus might prefer certain types of dogs over others. They often get along better with dogs that have a similar play style and energy level.

For instance, they might enjoy the company of other independent breeds but could be overwhelmed or uninterested in overly energetic or dominant dogs.

It’s also important to supervise initial interactions to ensure they are positive and safe, as Shiba Inus can be quite proud and may not tolerate rude or aggressive behavior from other dogs.

Are Shiba Inus Better Only With Other Shiba Inus?

Whether Shiba Inus get along better with other Shiba Inus compared to different breeds largely depends on the individual dog’s personality, socialization, and experiences.

However, there are some general tendencies and breed characteristics that can influence these interactions.

  1. Similar Temperament and Play Style: Shiba Inus might naturally gravitate towards dogs with similar temperaments and play styles. Since they share common traits and behaviors, two Shiba Inus might understand each other’s communication cues and social habits more easily. Their play styles, energy levels, and preferences for interaction often align, which can lead to smoother and more enjoyable play sessions.
  2. Familiarity with Breed Traits: Dogs of the same breed often exhibit similar body language and social cues, which can lead to better communication and understanding between them. Shiba Inus, for example, have distinctive ways of playing, expressing excitement, or showing annoyance. Familiarity with these nuances can make interactions between Shiba Inus more predictable and comfortable for them.
  3. Individual Socialization and Experiences: It’s essential to consider an individual Shiba Inu’s history of socialization and its experiences with other dogs. A Shiba Inu that has been well-socialized with a variety of breeds from a young age may be just as comfortable, if not more so, with other breeds as with its own. Conversely, a Shiba Inu with limited social exposure might feel more at ease with its own breed, simply due to familiarity.
  4. Unique Personalities: Like humans, each dog has a unique personality. Some Shiba Inus might prefer the company of other Shiba Inus, while others may enjoy the diversity of interacting with different breeds. The dog’s personal preference will play a significant role in determining which companions it gets along with best.

While there might be a natural inclination for Shiba Inus to get along with their own breed due to shared traits and communication styles, this is not a hard and fast rule.

Are There Special Considerations for Introducing a Shiba Inu to Other Dogs?

Introducing a Shiba Inu to other dogs should be done thoughtfully and patiently. Initial meetings should be in neutral territories, like a park, to avoid territorial behavior.

Both dogs should be on leashes to maintain control, and the introduction should be gradual and calm.

Observing their body language is crucial; relaxed ears, a wagging tail, and a playful stance are positive signs, while growling, stiff posture, or pinned ears indicate discomfort.

It’s beneficial to keep initial interactions short and positive, gradually increasing the time they spend together.

Rewards and praise for calm and friendly behavior can reinforce good interactions. If a Shiba Inu shows signs of aggression or fear, it’s important to calmly remove them from the situation and try again later, possibly with professional guidance if needed.

What Role Does Training Play in a Shiba Inu’s Dog-to-Dog Friendliness?

Training plays a significant role in enhancing a Shiba Inu’s ability to interact amicably with other dogs.

Basic obedience training, including commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’, is essential for managing their behavior around other dogs.

Training provides the framework for communication between the owner and the Shiba Inu, ensuring they can be controlled in social situations.

Socialization training is equally important. This includes exposing them to different dogs in controlled environments and reinforcing positive interactions. Training classes, dog parks, and doggy playdates can be excellent opportunities for this.

A trained Shiba Inu is more likely to respond positively to other dogs, making interactions more manageable and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Navigating the Social World of Shiba Inus and Other Dogs

In conclusion, while Shiba Inus may not be the most overtly friendly breed with other dogs, they can develop harmonious relationships with them through proper socialization and training.

Understanding and respecting their independent nature, combined with consistent training and positive social experiences, can enable Shiba Inus to enjoy the company of other canines.

As with any breed, individual personalities vary, so patience and understanding are key to fostering friendly interactions between a Shiba Inu and other dogs.


The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit Here

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