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Husky Pregnancy: Week By Week (FULL Guide)

Congratulations, if your beautiful Husky is expecting.

This can be an exciting time filled with anticipation, but it may also make you a little nervous, especially if you’re new to the process.

I know how you must feel, I’ve been helping owners with their pregnant huskies for around a decade, and I can appreciate this can be a nerve racking time.

Don’t worry! This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about your Husky’s pregnancy.

We’ll start by answering some basic, yet very important questions followed by some detailed care tips to to know.

husky pregnancy

How Long Are Huskies Pregnant?

A Husky’s pregnancy lasts roughly 63 days, though it can range from 58 to 68 days.

This period is generally the same for all dogs.

Like humans, a Husky’s pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting about 21 days.

Signs of Husky Pregnancy

Your Husky won’t show any immediate signs of pregnancy.

The earliest symptoms usually appear around weeks 3 and 4.

➡️ Here’s what to look out for:

  1. Changes in Appetite: Early in pregnancy, some dogs may experience a decrease in appetite or even mild morning sickness, similar to humans. Conversely, as the pregnancy progresses, you may notice an increase in appetite as she begins to eat for herself and her growing puppies.
  2. Changes in Behavior: Your dog might show changes in behavior due to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy. Some dogs may become more affectionate or clingy, while others may want more alone time.
  3. Changes in Physical Appearance: As the pregnancy progresses, you’ll likely notice weight gain and an enlarged abdomen. However, these changes are usually noticeable only in the later stages of pregnancy.
  4. Increased Urination: Pregnant dogs often urinate more frequently. This is due to increased pressure on the bladder from the growing puppies.
  5. Nipple Enlargement and Discoloration: One of the earliest physical signs of pregnancy is enlargement and darkening of the nipples. As the pregnancy progresses, you may also notice a clear or milky discharge.

Remember, that dogs can mate without us knowing. If you’ve taken your husky in heat to the dog park and she’s roamed around out of sight and off leash (which is NOT recommended!) it could happen within minutes.

I say this because it’s happened plenty of times before where a dog ends up pregnant and their owner has no idea how or when it happened.

Full Guide: Huskies in Heat: All Your Need to Know

Week By Week Guide

Throughout this time, it’s crucial to provide the mother with proper nutrition, care, and a comfortable environment. Here’s a week-by-week guide on understanding your pregnant Husky’s condition along with some advice and tips:

Week 1:

  • During the first week after mating, fertilization occurs. You probably won’t notice any physical changes in your Husky, but you should start providing her with a well-balanced diet to ensure good health for her and her puppies.

Week 2:

  • The fertilized eggs will make their way to the uterus for implantation. There are still no noticeable physical changes. Keep up with the balanced diet and avoid rigorous exercise.

Week 3:

  • Implantation occurs during this week. Some dogs may show signs of morning sickness, such as lethargy and reduced appetite, while others may not have any symptoms. Make sure she’s comfortable and getting enough fluids.

Week 4:

  • At this stage, your vet can confirm the pregnancy through an ultrasound. Her nipples may become enlarged and darker. Increase her food intake by 10-20% as the puppies begin to grow.

Week 5:

  • Your Husky’s abdomen will start to grow, and she might eat less but more frequently. Keep her in a stress-free environment and continue to increase her food intake to about 20-30% more than normal. You might also start preparing a whelping box.

Week 6:

  • Her appetite will continue to increase, and you should start feeding her puppy food, which is rich in nutrients. Regular short walks can help with her increasing weight and keep her fit for the upcoming birth.

Week 7:

  • The puppies will continue to grow and your Husky may start to shed hair on her belly. She should be fed small meals throughout the day and avoid strenuous exercise. Vet visits should become more frequent to monitor the health of the puppies and the mother.

Week 8:

  • During this week, your Husky will be very large, and might start nesting behaviors. Make sure she’s comfortable and keep the whelping box in a familiar place for her. You can also feel the puppies moving around at this stage.

Week 9:

  • This is the final week. Your Husky may start looking for a place to give birth and you might notice a drop in her temperature. Ensure she has access to her whelping box and monitor her for signs of labor such as restlessness, panting, pacing, or shivering.

How Many Pups In a Litter?

We explain in full detail how many puppies huskies have here, but for convenience, huskies typically have around 4-6 pups on their first litter.

A few different factors can change the likely number of pups in a litter. These include: age, diet, genetics, and the husky’s physical size. Read more about there here.

Confirming Pregnancy

If you suspect your Husky is pregnant, it’s best to consult your vet right away.

Around day 25, the vet can conduct a physical exam or ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. By day 45, an x-ray can reveal the number of puppies.

Caring for a Pregnant Husky

Caring for a pregnant Husky, or any pregnant dog, involves several crucial steps to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her puppies. Here are some in-depth guidelines and tips:

➡️ Visit the Vet

The first thing to do when you suspect your Husky might be pregnant is to take her to the vet for a check-up. The vet can confirm the pregnancy through palpation, ultrasound, or blood tests, and estimate the number of puppies. Regular vet visits throughout the pregnancy are also important to monitor the mother’s health and the puppies’ development.

➡️ Diet and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is vital during pregnancy. The mother’s caloric intake should gradually increase as the pregnancy progresses, with a peak during the lactation period. High-quality, balanced dog food is essential, and in the later stages of pregnancy, you might need to switch to a puppy formulation or a food designed specifically for pregnant and nursing dogs to meet the increased nutritional demands.

Fresh water should always be available. Do not supplement the diet with vitamins or minerals unless recommended by the vet, as an excess of certain nutrients can be harmful.

➡️ Exercise

Regular, moderate exercise is beneficial for a pregnant Husky. It helps to maintain muscle tone and prevent excessive weight gain. However, avoid strenuous activities and be mindful of signs of fatigue. As she nears her due date, her desire and ability to exercise may decrease.

➡️ Comfortable Environment

Prepare a quiet, comfortable area for your Husky to give birth and care for her puppies. This “whelping box” should be spacious, easy to clean, and lined with soft materials. Introduce her to this area early so she can get used to it. Keep it in a warm, draft-free location, as puppies cannot regulate their body temperature.

➡️ Health Monitoring

Monitor your Husky’s health closely throughout her pregnancy. Look for signs of discomfort, distress, or illness, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, or abnormal discharge. Take her temperature daily during the final week of pregnancy, as a significant drop usually indicates that labor will start within 24 hours.

➡️ Training and Socialization

Pregnancy can cause hormonal changes that affect behavior. Continue with regular training and socialization to ensure that your Husky remains well-adjusted. However, be gentle and understanding if she exhibits mood swings.

➡️ Preparation for Birth

Educate yourself about the birthing process. Know the signs of labor and have your vet’s contact information readily available. Have clean towels, a puppy feeding bottle, and a warming box ready in case you need to assist with the birth or care for the puppies.

➡️ Post-Birth Care

After birth, the mother will need plenty of rest, warmth, and nutritionally rich food to recover and produce milk for her puppies. Monitor the puppies to ensure they are nursing and gaining weight. If you notice any issues, like the mother not producing enough milk or a puppy not nursing, contact your vet immediately.

These guidelines will help you care for your pregnant Husky effectively. Always remember, every dog is unique, and what works best for one might not work for another. It’s important to stay in regular contact with your vet and cater to your Husky’s individual needs.

Preparing for Birth

Let’s run through two important points when it comes to preparing for your husky’s birth.

➡️ Preparing the Whelping Box

As your Husky’s delivery day nears, creating a suitable space for her to give birth is essential. This space, often called a whelping box, should be located in a quiet, warm area where your Husky can feel safe and comfortable. The constant hustle and bustle of everyday household activities might stress her, so consider a low-traffic area that can be easily monitored.

The size of the whelping box matters significantly as it should accommodate not only your Husky but also her growing puppies. Make sure the box is large enough for her to stretch out comfortably while keeping her puppies close. However, avoid boxes that are excessively large as they may cause your Husky to feel insecure or allow the puppies to crawl away from their mother, risking them getting cold.

The lining of the box should consist of clean, absorbent, and soft materials, like blankets or towels, that can easily be replaced and washed. These will help to absorb any mess during the birthing process and provide a comfortable space for the mother and her puppies post-birth.

➡️ Monitoring Pre-Labor Signs

Your Husky will exhibit several signs as she approaches labor, usually around day 58 of her pregnancy. One of these signs is nesting behavior, where she might start to prepare the area where she intends to give birth. You may notice her rearranging blankets or digging in her chosen spot – this is completely normal behavior, indicating that she is getting ready for the arrival of her puppies.

As the birth gets closer, your Husky might also become restless and show a decrease in appetite. These signs, along with nesting, can indicate that labor is imminent, often within the next 24 hours.

Another important sign to monitor is her body temperature. A dog’s normal temperature ranges between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. However, about 24 hours before labor, her temperature may drop by a degree or two. Regular monitoring of her temperature during this period can help you better predict the onset of labor.

By understanding these signs and preparing appropriately, you can ensure that your Husky has a safe, comfortable space to deliver her puppies, and that you’re ready to provide any necessary support or intervention during labor.

Labor and Birth

Labor in Huskies can last 6 to 18 hours. The first sign is usually panting and pacing. When she starts pushing, a puppy should appear within 30 minutes. If she’s pushing for longer without a puppy appearing, call your vet.

After each puppy is born, your Husky should tear open the amniotic sac and clean the puppy. If she doesn’t, you’ll need to do this. Ensure each puppy starts nursing within an hour of birth.

After Birth

Check the puppies are nursing and gaining weight. Your Husky will clean and care for them, but you should monitor closely.

In the first few days, take your Husky and puppies to the vet for a check-up. Make sure your Husky is eating well—she needs energy for herself and milk production.

Last thoughts

Remember, every pregnancy is unique. While this guide gives you an idea of what to expect, always consult your vet with any concerns. Caring for a pregnant Husky requires patience and dedication, but watching your fur baby become a mother is a truly rewarding experience. Enjoy the journey!


The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit Here

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