Getting a new husky puppy is super exciting! You’ve made a great choice. But sometimes in all the fun, we forget important stuff.
This article has all the info for getting your new husky puppy settled in. It helps you get ready for the big day.
Bringing home a new puppy comes with lots to think about. It can make you feel a little stressed, especially if you’re new to dogs. No worries! This article keeps things easy and tells you all you need to know.
Table of Contents
Before Bringing Your Husky Puppy Home
When your husky puppy enters your home for the first time, it’s going to be an intense moment for them, and for you. The best way to make it an easy and smooth process is with good preparation.
Know who your local veterinarian will be ⭐
It’s extremely easy to forget this, but it’s very important to know.
It’s a common scenario… you’re super excited when your puppy comes home and all of a sudden they let out a weird cough or choke, and for a second you think somethings wrong… At this moment you realize you don’t know where or who your nearest vet is.
● How to find out:
It’s best to ask a local dog owner who you know for a recommendation. Friends and family will always give you the true ups and downs of any veterinary practice.
If this isn’t an option for you, you’ll have to make a Google search.
Get as much information from your breeder as possible ⭐
Your breeder is the most valuable person right now, they’ve been looking after the new litter and know a lot more about your new husky puppy than you do, so you must ask them as many questions as possible!
Some great things to cover with your breeder:
● Feeding times and routine.
● What type of food or formula are they using?
● Ask for a diet sheet to take away.
● Sleeping times and routine.
● Which vaccinations have been done and when are the next due.
● Has the puppy received any other treatments (worming?)
● How does your puppy socialize in the litter (weak or strong)
● Is the puppy and its parents in good health.
● Health certificates of the puppy and parents.
● Contact information of the breeder for short term support.
The more information you can learn about your particular puppy, the more prepared you will be to manage them when you bring them home.
It’s easy to remember things about health and guarantees of the sale, but don’t forget to ask about their feeding times, sleeping arrangements, and daily habits.
Having familiar routines go a long way in making your husky puppy feel comfortable in a new environment without their mother. Source
Still need some cool and exotic name ideas? Check out our 101 most exotic names for huskies (with meanings!)

Psst. A quick word on training! Brain Training For Dogs is one of the best training methods suitable for a husky. Other owners and I are seeing improvement in obedience, behavior, and stubbornness quicker than ever before. I seriously recommend checking it out.

Husky Puppy Supplies | The Basics
Let’s cover the basic, but essential list of puppy supplies you will need. Some of the items come with a link to a recommended product. This can give you a better idea and see what other puppy owners have said about it.
What you will need: ⭐
● Suitable crate (for the house + car travel) – Recommended option
● Metal food and water bowls
● Puppy food – Recommended option (updated)
● Puppy treats – Recommended option
● Puppy toys, durable chew toys (no choking hazard toys)
● Leash, collar, and harness – Recommended Harness
● ID tags for their collar – Customizable option
● Poop scoop, bags, and bin (never mix puppy poop and house waste)
● Extra household cleaning products
● Puppy gate or baby gate – Recommended option
● Pet first aid kit
● Puppy bed – Recommended option
● Blanket (machine washable) and spare towels – Recommended option
● Brush – A pin + bristle combo is most appropriate for delicate puppy skin. Recommended option
● Nail clippers
If you equip yourself with the items on this list then you will be ready for when your puppy arrives. You may think of alternatives and that is absolutely fine! As long as it does the job intended.

Preparing Your House | The Basics
On top of gathering all the necessary supplies your husky puppy will need, you have to make sure your house itself is ready for a puppy.
Puppies are constantly curious and will quickly pick up on things that you’ve missed.
It’s really important to think about your house from your puppy’s perspective…
What’s down low? where will they sniff around? You need to address all safety issues before your puppy comes home.
1. Electric cables
Easily forgotten but potentially life-saving. You need to ensure there aren’t electric cables around for your puppy to chew.
Honestly, we have cables everywhere, for our tv, lamps, appliances, and, phone chargers but these all need to be kept out of your puppies way.
Remember that in the beginning, puppies don’t know what they’re allowed to chew so you need to remove all health hazards.
2. Baby gates
Baby gates or puppy gates, you need to have a few of these in place around your house before you bring your puppy home.
Not only is it important for training purposes, but it’s also absolutely necessary for their safety.
Puppies should not have free-roam of the house when you bring them home. Baby gates are necessary for the stairs and room entrances without an existing door.
3. Designated daily area
Looking after a puppy is challenging enough, so at the very least, having them sectioned off to one room or area will help you significantly.
Before your puppy comes home, you should have your designated area set up and ready to go.
The area should include their crate, food and water bowl, access to toys, treats, and you should have cleaning products close to hand. Their designated daily area may not be where they sleep at night, I’ll cover that next.
4. Designated sleeping area
During the first few weeks, it proves to be more successful having your puppy sleep in a crate, with you, besides your bed.
When your puppy leaves their mother and litter it can be very daunting and overwhelming. This usually makes sleeping a challenge, at least in the beginning.
Your puppy will have an easier time sleeping if they know they are near to you. So unless you want to move a single crate around every day, it’s a good idea to have a separate one for your bedroom that will be where they sleep.
Equip their crate with nothing more than a couple of spare towels and a comforter (old t-shirt or litter rag from the breeder).
5. Designated potty training area
Potty training, as well as many other types of training, should start as soon as possible. There’s no good reason to hold off on training, and it can only lead to bad habits.
Make a small area in your yard where your puppy will be taken to eliminate. I have a complete how-to guide on potty training so I won’t go into it here, but this is definitely something you should have in place and practice from the first day your puppy comes home.
6. Garbage bins
I’ve forgotten this one many times myself! You think you have everything cleaned and tidy, but if you’re like me, you’ve forgotten the small plastic garbage bin that your puppy will soon learn to push over.
Move all small lightweight bins out of your puppy’s reach and only have heavyweight bins that your puppy can’t push over or jump inside.
7. Final check of the floors and all nooks & crannies
Like we mentioned above, your new husky puppy will blow your mind with their never-ending curiosity.
Anything that you don’t pick up from your floor, your puppy will find it and inspect it… This means chew it!
Just like with babies, it’s so important to remove any accessible choking hazards.
Puppies are young and they aren’t aware of things they can and can’t chew, or whether or not it will choke them, so we have to manage that situation ourselves.

Having plenty of the right type of toys
A lot of questions regarding new puppies usually have something to do with their mouths! they teeth, bite, chew… the list is endless. So this is a topic we needed to cover.
Husky puppies explore the world through their mouth, it’s their way of communicating, discovering and is just a massive part of their day.
You also have to remember upon bringing your puppy home, they aren’t going to be trained at all… although you can start training immediately and it’s recommended to do so, you should expect their chewing habits to be pretty wild in the first few weeks.
Having plenty of the right type of toys will prove to be very important and helpful. The best toys for a husky puppy include:
● Hard, durable chew toys. These are typically hard rubber/plastic toys with little nooks and massagers. These are great for teething puppies
● Dog bones. These are known for their durability and lasting a long time. Your puppy will taste a slight flavor to keep them attracted to it and they’re generally an all-round great option.
● Interactive toys. These will keep your puppy entertained for lengthy periods of time, particularly useful when you need to get on with your own things! There’s a HUGE range of puzzle/interactive toys now with the best being ones you can hide treats in. These toys get your puppy’s brain working in positive ways.
● Soft training toys. These toys should be reserved only for training. Reserving the toy keeps it as a high-value reward for when your puppy successfully carries out a training exercise. This is a powerful technique for training and you should definitely have a handful of these. Given that they’re soft teddy’s they can be ripped, which is why you shouldn’t leave them down.
As we touched on husky puppy teething, you may want to check out my husky puppy teething guide that shows you 5 easy ways to help your puppy throughout this process.

General Care For a New Husky Puppy | Tips & Advice

With the above information, you’ll be as prepared as you can possibly be for the arrival of your new fluffy friend. However, I want to cover some general tips and advice for puppy care and what to do in certain situations.
Take a look at the tips below to help you understand what to do in common situations puppy owners find themselves in. Knowing some of these should help prepare you for your new puppy-filled life!
1. Potty mistakes
The time will come, no matter how much you try to avoid it, so be ready!
Never reprimand your puppy for making a potty mistake. This builds fearfulness and gives them less trust in you, which makes all other training more difficult.
When a potty mistake happens, show your puppy their mistake, then directly escort them outside to the actual potty area.
By now you need to have a set command you can use like “potty time”. Use these commands whenever you are in the potty spot.
Your husky puppy will quickly build the association. Whenever your puppy eliminates in the correct place, even if you were the one to take them there, praise them heavily! Positive reinforcement training is key. Full potty training article here.
2. Don’t leave your puppy to roam free
If you need to leave your puppy temporarily, you should keep them locked in their designated area, or preferably inside their crate if they’re at least somewhat crate-trained.
The idea of your designated area is that it should always be puppy-proof.
So that means there’s nothing there that your puppy can chew or choke on. A section of hard floor is preferable for their designated area, as potty mistakes are A LOT easier to clean up after.
Always remember your puppy’s safety when you need to leave them alone. Check out my complete husky puppy training guide to help with crate training.
3. Can your puppy go in the yard?
Your puppy should NOT go outside (public area) until two weeks after their second set of vaccinations.
It’s not appropriate for us to give you an estimated age because some people or breeders may vaccinate their puppy at different times.
This is why it’s important to ask your breeder about vaccinations and what stage your puppy is at.
Make sure you speak to the breeder and follow your veterinarian’s advice.
4. Feeding your husky puppy
Breeders are not supposed to sell puppies until 8 weeks old when they are weaned off their mother’s milk.
This means that your puppy will be eating solid puppy food. Opt for a puppy food specifically for sensitive stomachs to avoid putting too much stress on your puppy’s digestive system.
Your breeder may even be kind enough to give you a portion of the food they use, which would be particularly helpful with their transition into a new environment.
Ask your breeder for their current meal times and stick to it. Following their current routine will make everything easier and more comfortable for your puppy during the transition.
5. Make use of comforters
Comforters can be anything from soft blankets, old clothes, or specifically designed toys.
What separates these items from being just a plain rag or toy is their association to either you or their mother that your puppy can pick up on.
This can be through smell, texture, shape or just the feel. A good example is using an old t-shirt of yours that you have not washed. Give this to your puppy when going to sleep, and whenever you leave them for a while. Having the smell of you beside them can make them feel at ease even when you aren’t actually there.
You can get “snuggle puppies” which are truly fantastic comforters. They’re fluffy teddy’s that you can insert a heat pack into and some also come with a pulsing sensation option. The “heat and heartbeat” sensations mimic having their mother with them.
So there you have it! You are now as prepared as you can be to welcome home your new husky puppy. You have a complete list of supplies, how to prepare your home, and what to expect from your puppy.
Bringing home a puppy, training them and their general care and well-being is a huge topic. I have many articles that go into further detail on each topic from feeding, training, leash training, potty training, exercise, teething and much more. I will list them below for you to check out.
Most Recommended For Huskies
Best Brushes For Husky Shedding ⭐
The Furminator Undercoat Rake and a Hertzko Slicker Brush are by far the two best brushes that any husky owner should use.
Best Online Training Program For Huskies⭐
The Dunbar Training Academy has been rated as one of the best online training programs for all dogs. This is perfect for huskies of all ages.
Best Husky Puppy Book ⭐
If you would like an easy to read guide for training your husky puppy, check out my book The Husky Puppy Handbook on Amazon. All purchases are greatly appreciated.

The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any context. Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. For the FULL disclaimer Visit HereCopyright Notice: The content produced and published on My Happy Husky is unique and original. My Happy Husky makes an active effort to search for plagiarized content using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarized content is found, action will be taken.